Environmentally Responsible

We're all in this together.

We feel it is important to do what we can to be environmentally responsible, therefore, we offer our customers choices that help them do the same.

Due to an increased awareness of our impact on the environment, there have been tremendous strides in recent years to the design and production of swimming pool equipment, as well as making available safe and effective chemical alternatives.

In most cases, the proper and responsible approach also offers significant savings to our customers as well.

Did you know?  That for many households, running an average swimming pool pump long enough in order to properly maintain a healthy pool can actually be the single most expensive item in any given billing cycle?

The solution:  Installing a variable speed pump can reduce your energy bill as much as $1,000.00 per year on an average residential swimming pool. Variable speed pumps run quieter and increase filter efficiency.

Did you know? That heating a swimming pool to a desirable temperature can be considerably more expensive than heating your entire home in any given month?

The Solution: A solar heated swimming pool system can take advantage of the same radiant heat that maintains or our beautiful planet. Add a floating solar blanket to the pool to catch the radiant heat and to minimize heat loss at night. Under the right conditions, this combination can easily maintain desirable swimming temperatures throughout most locations in Marin.

Did you know? That manufactured liquid chlorine is still the most utilized chemical for the proper management of water sanitation in the swimming pool industry? Because of this, the manufacturing, distributing, dispensing and the refilling process of chemical containers, has a negative cumulative impact on our environment over time.

The Solution: Although properly maintaining a swimming pool requires a certain expenditure of resources, converting your swimming pool over to a saline sanitation system, or salt water pool, can go a long way to minimizing your impact on the environment. There are additional benefits to the homeowner as well. Because the salt to chlorine conversion process occurs naturally, dry skin, green hair, damaged swimsuits, serious eye irritation, and the rashes that are associated with traditional chlorinated water will be virtually eliminated. The water feels smooth and the skin stays refreshed. Swimmers who suffer so-called ‘chlorine allergies’ will find relief from those symptoms in a saline pool. The reason for this is because salt treated water is maintained very close to the natural salt levels found in the human body and the natural chlorine produced is free of the additives and impurities found in manufactured chlorine. This same process is used in the water softening industry to remove minerals and impurities; the water in a saline pool actually becomes “softer.”

The Salt Solution is a Win! Win! Solution for the Homeowner and the Environment!

For more information on the benefits of saltwater, look at this pdf from Pentair Pools.

For more information on energy saving ecco-friendly pool equipment options see http://household-tips.thefuntimesguide.com/2005/07/salt_chlorinati.php



Ultimate Pool Service:

Quisque quam mauris, sollicitudin eu dapibus vestibulum, imperdiet eu enim! Aenean tincidunt felis et orci hendre rit ultrices. Quisque tristique, dolor vitae ultrices varius, nisi magna commodo sapien, et ornare mi tortor.

Golden Pool Service:

Aliquam quam odio, dapibus et molestie id, aliquet eget ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut et augue dui. Suspendisse elit elit, facilisis id suscipit id, luctus consequat libero. Fusce rhoncus, risus et bibendum vulputeque ac scelerisque est purus nec risus. Sed viverra malesuada sem, nec vestibulum lacus.